dipanjangkan umur
and also for this surprise party... HAHAAHHA... never expect it will be happen... kali ni dah tak ada telur busuk or whatever yang perlukan mandi lepas tu... bagus.. clean and clear...
just sangat TERHARU... huhuhu...
I'M 22 ALREADY GUYS!!! hihihiih
thanx all for this birthday party
with delicious yummy cake
chocolate strawberry cake from secret recipe
sangat sedap... hihihiihih...
especially for him... mastermind for this party..
terharu betul... really really appreciate it... and also for this
he did this just for me
terharu sangat... so sweet =)
present?? hihih.. rahsia.. HAHAHAHAHA...
he tried to make me look mature of course.. childish sangat la kata kan... lalalalallaaa... thanx for your hardwork... he gave me something auwwww... really want me to be a lady... =)
happy birthday tokan detox patch. haha.
ReplyDeletejadi lady xpe, jgn jadi lady gaga sudeyy..