si jijah tag si trex... memang dah lama tak layan tag ni... HAHAHAHHA.. ingat semua orang dah tak main dah benda alah ni... HAAHAHAH.... lagi satu award... dulu kat blog macam2 award orang bagi.. sekarang macam dah kurang nampak dah... blogging pun ada musim.. korang ingat buah je ke??? HAHAHAHAH...
okay.. jangan banyak bunyi... jomm jawab tag jom... tak tahu la apa soalan dia ni.. tak baca detail... so tag ni dijawab tanpa membaca soalan dahulu.. kira apa trex jawab ni spontan je laaa... im so busy this 2 days okay... **gedix :PPP
3 names in your message inbox
maxis : k.umi, k.umi, c.yah
digi : pami, digi, pami
your main ringtone
serious tak tahu apa tajuk dia janji bunyi.. HAHHAHA
what u did at 12 last night?
wish birthday pami
who was the last person you went out with?where?
mama, g keje...
kantoi g keje mama hantar.. lalalalla
the colour of t-shirt you're wearing now
the last thing you did
tidurkan afif
3 of your everyday favourite items
the colour of your bedroom
putih hijau
how much money in your wallet now?
banyak.... tak sempat kira **bajet
how's life?
GOOD ^^;
your favourite song
tak tahu la... dengar je sebab sekarang duk RTM.. memang sentiasa buka radio sampai radio on ke off dah tak pasan...
what will you do next weekend
prepare untuk presentation... lect datang daaa
when wast the last time you see your mum?
baru je tadi
where is she now?
when was the last time you talk to your parents?
baru beberapa minit
who is the last person that talked with you last night?
the last surprise you got?
kena prank time bday tapi dah agak lama... orang kebulur gila nak makan.. dapat mandi air apa entah tengah2 malam buta... nway thanx ALL
last thing you borrowed from your friend?
logbook... HAHAHAHA
Who is your bf/gf/husband/wife?
bf je.. husband tak ada
what do you feel right now?
wanna share with who?
who know your secrect?
ayu but i dont think she knows evrythng
liza n zati but i dont think that can still call as secret..
they keep your secrect?
are you angry with someone?
maybe yes maybe not :')
what do you order at Mc'D?
chicken mcdeluxe
The last time you feel so sad?
last 2 days
Mahu Tag?
tak gemar tag orang... mesti korang kata trex boring kan?? HAHAHHAHA... tak tahu nak tag sesapa... tapi if korang nak buat.. buat la then let me know...
thanx for reading this.. see yaa ^^
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