tagged by nikwani

RULES: use google image to search the answer to the questions below then u must choose picture in the first page of the results n post it as ur answer.

1) i am:
2) i really wanted to go to:

3) my favourite place:

4) my favourite things:

5) my favourite drinks :

6) my favourite foods :

7) my favourite colour:

8) i was born at :

9) i live in:

10) my college :

11) my favourite movie :

12) my hobby :

13) i wish i am :

xtau apa kaitan picture ni...ngee.. layan~

saye mahu tagged mereka:
>>> bd
>>> salaam
>>> jack
>>> fara nokia
>>> ainul
>>> sesapa saje la


  1. aik, aku baru je komen kt entri bwh ni, ko dh kata aku lama x komen??
    kejapnya ko dh rindu kt komen aku, hahaha..
    uiiii, ko ni mmg kuat makan eee??
    haaaa, apsal ko tag aku??
    nanti2 la aku jwb psl bersusun lg entri tgh queue ni eee..

  2. hahahah..... ye la bd.... mmg rindu sgt2... kat komen ko... KAH KAH KAH

  3. hohoho... bgs BD... jawab.. jgn x jawab...

  4. # bd: BGS LA KALU DAH JAWAB... lalalalalalaalallaallala...lepas ni.. siap r.. sonok nye tag ko...

    # kipas: dia dh jawab r.. HAHHAHAHH


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